Omega-3s, aka omega-3 fatty acids, are a group of unsaturated fatty acids essential to human development. They are found in numerous foods, including certain fish. Oily cold-water fish, like sardines, wild salmon, and mackerel, have high levels of omega-3s. In fact, a great deal of advertising capital has been expended on omega-3 awareness in recent years, which has driven an increase in consumer demand for fish and fish oil supplements.
Why do they call them “omega-3s”?
This has to do with chemical composition. “Omega-3″ is a code word signifying that there is the first double bond in the molecule is the third carbon-carbon bond from the terminal end of the carbon chain. We don’t have to dig too deep into this, but it’s important inasmuch as it clarifies how an omega-3 fatty acid is different from an omega-6 fatty acid.
And what’s an omega-6?
Basically, it’s the same thing, but the double bond is the sixth carbon-carbon bond from the terminal end, rather than the third.
What’s the difference between omega-3 and omega-6?
It may not seem like a major difference, but these two fatty acids have vastly different effects on the human body. Omega-3s have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke, have pronounced benefits for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, improve blood circulation, and may even ease depression and anxiety. Omega-6s, by contrast, are associated with increased heart attacks and strokes, mood disorders, cancer, and other severe health issues. Research on the effects of both omega-3s and omega-6s is ongoing.
Is should be mentioned that here in the United States, our diets lean heavily towards the omega-6 side of the equation. The ratio of omega-6s to omega-3 in a “typical western diet” is thought to average between 10:1 to 30:1.
Are there other sources of omega-3s aside from fish?
Absolutely. We can get our omega-3s from plants just as easily as from fish. Flax seed is a great option; the oil in flax is several times richer in omega-3s than most fish oils. As a matter of fact, fish don’t actually synthesize omega-3s — they capture them from the algae in their diet. Kelp is an excellent source of omega-3s, as are walnuts and acai palm fruit. Some studies show that grass-fed cattle produce high levels of omega-3s in their milk as well.
Do the oils I cook with contain omega-3s or omega-6s?
Probably both. The issue is the ratio. Here are some base ratios for common oils, from better to worse:
Ratio of omega-3s to omega-6s
Flax oil: 3:1
Canola oil: 1:2
Soybean oil: 1:7
Olive oil: 1:3-13
Corn oil: 1:46
Cottonseed, peanut, grapeseed, and sunflower oils have only negligible amounts of omega-3s.
Casson Trenor
Casson Trenor is a frequent commentator on sustainable seafood issues. He has been featured in regional, national, and international media outlets, including CNN, NPR, Forbes, New York Times, Boston Globe, Christian Science Monitor, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Seattle Times.